Acupuncture (針灸 zhen jiu) is an integral part of Oriental medicine. With a tradition of more than 2000 years it is now practised widely throughout the world (more than 130 countries) and according to several independent studies and the World Health Organisation (WHO) is one of the safest form of treatment available.
In all needling the method first and foremost should find root in the Spirit.
Ancient Chinese philosophers and physicians saw health as the result of the unhindered movement and transformation of qi 氣 within the human body. This movement can be disrupted and become disordered because of several factors: internal, external and/or life style related such as emotions (stress, anger, fear or grief), familiar/genetic predisposition, infections, trauma or inappropriate dietary habits. The insertion of very fine needles into specific locations called acupoints influences the way qi is conducted throughout the body and can restore its smooth and unimpeded flow.
This idea is based on the belief that the body has an innate ability to heal and naturally tends to harmonise with its environment in a functional way. Please note that Oriental medicine treats people not conditions.
To someone asking if acupuncture can be used to treat a certain condition, a simple affirmative or negative answer would be rather inaccurate. It is more appropriate to say that when the practitioner is able to re-harmonise the qi of the patient presenting a specific group of signs and symptoms, these will disappear.